Safety Precautions for Gainesville Pedestrians

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Pedestrian accidents leading to severe and fatal injuries continue to increase nationwide and in Gainesville. Safety precautions to avoid these events are a joint effort, and everyone must remain cautious and adhere to traffic safety rules and regulations. Unfortunately, even if you stay vigilant and take every precaution, accidents can still happen because of someone else’s carelessness.

People on foot are highly vulnerable when a car strikes them, and injuries can have permanent consequences. Personal injury laws allow you to hold them financially accountable when that happens. Speak to an experienced pedestrian accident attorney from Smith Hulsey Law, who is knowledgeable about safety precautions for Gainesville pedestrians, to learn more about your available legal options after sustaining an injury.

Pedestrian Right of Way in Crosswalks

People on foot have the right-of-way when crossing the street in crosswalks, and drivers must stop and wait for them to reach the other side safely. They must yield to people crossing whether the crosswalk is marked or unmarked.

Proceeding while anyone is still crossing the street is unlawful, and the motorist may receive a traffic violation for failing to stop and waiting for people to step out of the street. However, pedestrians must always stay on the curb and avoid stepping in the path of oncoming traffic.

Crossing the Road Outside of Crosswalks

When people on foot cross the road anywhere other than a marked or unmarked crosswalk, they must yield to approaching vehicles and adhere to relevant safety precautions in Gainesville. According to the guidance of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated § 40-6-92, pedestrians crossing any street or roadway when there is a tunnel or overhead crossing available for people on foot must also yield to oncoming traffic. The Georgia traffic regulations do not mention that jaywalking and crossing the street anywhere is unlawful as long as they yield to oncoming vehicles to avoid accidents.

Understanding Safety Precautions for Pedestrians

Some pedestrian safety tips to help prevent accidents include:

  • Paying attention to any surroundings
  • Staying sober and alert while walking
  • Using sidewalks, crosswalks, and paths when available

People can also wear bright colors or reflective clothing to improve visibility and avoid distractions, such as listening to loud music with both earbuds in or playing with devices while walking. Wearing bright clothing is essential when out walking during the night hours when visibility is lower. A lawyer knowledgeable about Gainesville safety precautions for pedestrians could answer questions and help determine fault after severe accidents.

Speak to a Qualified Attorney About Safety Precautions for Pedestrians in Gainesville

Pedestrians often take for granted the importance of safety while walking for community or exercise, and they play a significant role in preventing severe accidents. Pedestrian and vehicle-related accidents can have devastating or fatal consequences. You can help mitigate the risks of a car striking you by remaining mindful of your surroundings and ensuring drivers can see you while out on foot. But you cannot control the negligence of others.

You have the right to pursue compensation if you sustained severe injuries because of someone else’s negligence. Speak to a seasoned lawyer from Smith Hulsey Law who understands safety precautions for Gainesville pedestrians if you need help with a case. We would be happy to schedule a consultation to discuss your case.

Smith Hulsey Law

Smith Hulsey Law