The spinal cord is the body’s communications center. A damaged spine can impair various functions and prevent messages from traveling between the brain and the rest of the body. A serious injury could even lead to partial or total paralysis.
If you or a loved one suffered spinal damage because of someone else’s careless behavior, speak to a knowledgeable attorney about your legal options for recovering damages. At Smith Hulsey, a Winder spinal cord injury lawyer could fight for the compensation you need to heal and move forward with your life.
Spinal cord injuries happen when the spine is severed, fractured, or crushed. Certain diseases could cause spinal cord deterioration that eventually leads to fractures. Acts of violence, such as gunshots and stabbings, can also cause spinal damage. However, most of these types of injuries result from accidents.
According to the Mayo Clinic, the most common causes of spinal cord injury in the United States include:
In these types of incidents, a negligent party could be another driver, a municipality, a local recreational league, the manufacturer of a defective product, or any other person or company whose lack of caution contributed to a spinal injury. The seasoned attorneys at our Winder office could investigate the circumstances of a spinal cord injury and identify which parties may be held accountable.
Spinal cord injuries are serious medical conditions that often require multiple surgeries and significant rehabilitation. In severe cases, spinal damage could even be fatal.
Injured patients often lose the use of their legs and must learn to use a wheelchair. If the damage is higher on the spine, a person might also lose function of their arms. Patients may require adaptive devices to assist them with some of the activities of daily living.
A spinal cord injury may also impair bodily functions such as:
Mental health conditions like depression and anxiety are also common among survivors of traumatic spinal cord injuries. Because the health impacts of spine damage are so extensive, it is important for a victim to get legal assistance from a skilled attorney. The lawyers at Smith Hulsey could help seek compensation for home health care, long-term rehabilitation, therapy, and other expenses associated with a spinal cord injury.
It could be months after an accident before someone with a spinal cord injury is able to leave the hospital and begin adjusting to their new normal. During this time, a patient and their family may be solely focused on their recovery. However, it also is critical to consult with a nearby attorney as soon as possible after a spine injury to preserve all legal options.
In Georgia, a plaintiff has two years from the date of an accident to bring a personal injury lawsuit for damages. Even those who hope to avoid court must keep this deadline in mind, as settlement negotiations are most effective before the statute of limitations has passed. If there is no longer a threat of a civil claim, the injured person has no leverage in settlement talks.
If the negligent party in a claim is the State of Georgia or a local government, it is even more important to seek immediate legal counsel. The Official Code of Georgia Annotated §50-21-26 requires an injured person to file an ante litem notice for claims involving a government entity. If Georgia is the target government, a plaintiff has one year after their spinal injury to file the notice. If a city or county is the target, the ante litem notice must be filed within six months. Failure to file a proper notice within the time limits defeats a claim, so injured victims should contact a spinal cord injury in the area as soon as possible.
If someone else’s negligence caused a life-altering injury to you or a loved one, you deserve compensation for your suffering. Work with a Winder spinal cord injury lawyer on a claim for damages to cover your losses. Call Smith Hulsey today to schedule a consultation about your circumstances. Our legal team is ready to help you pursue justice and move forward with your life.
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