Buses are the primary mode of transportation for many people in and around the Flowery Branch area. As useful as buses are, when drivers fail to exercise reasonable care and drive responsibly, they can cause serious harm to passengers and others on the road. If you have been injured in a bus crash, a negligent driver, an insurance company, and even a bus’s owner could be held liable.
A Flowery Branch bus accident lawyer is prepared to get to fight for your right to compensation. This involves not just proving fault for an accident but also showing how it has affected your life. Contact a dedicated Smith Hulsey injury attorney to learn more.
Bus drivers have a duty to act safely behind the wheel. Because bus drivers are using public roads, they have an obligation to follow local traffic laws and not place other travelers at an unreasonable risk of harm. When these drivers fail to provide a reasonable level of care to others on the road, a Flowery Branch bus collision attorney could hold them responsible for injuries they case.
In addition, bus drivers are obligated to protect those riding in the buses themselves. Because buses are common carriers in the eyes of the law, meaning that they must take extra care to protect passengers. If a bus driver is negligent in causing an injury to these riders, even without the involvement of another vehicle, that driver and other defendants, such as the public transit company, can be held legally and financially liable for injuries cased to passengers.
While bus drivers can generally be held liable for accidents that they cause, it may also be possible to tie other defendants into a case. For example, all buses must operate with the coverage of insurance policies that provide compensation to affected victims. A legal concept known as respondeat superior states that employers are partially responsible for the actions of their employees while they are working, which means that a private bus company or owner could be held liable for the actions of a negligent bus driver. When a bus is a government vehicle, injured parties could even be able to sue the city or town itself. A seasoned Flowery Branch attorney could determine the potential liable parties in a bus accident case and pursue legal action against them.
After a bus wreck, an injured party could pursue payments that account for the full extent of their losses, including:
There is limited time to seek out compensation for an accident. The Official Code of Georgia Annotated § 9-3-33 allows claims to be made up to two years from the date of the accident. However, if the bus is a city or other municipal vehicle, the timeline to notify a government entity of the crash may be significantly shorter. Seeking legal help as soon as possible after a wreck ensures that an attorney will have time to gather evidence and take all necessary steps within the state’s required timeframe.
Bus accidents are serious events that can inflict catastrophic injuries, severe emotional damage, and lasting financial harm. It is vital that you act quickly to protect your legal rights and demand that at-fault parties provide fair compensation.
A Flowery Branch bus crash lawyer could help you with this process. A dedicated attorney at Smith Hulsey could work to show that a bus driver was to blame for an accident and demand that drivers, insurance providers, and busing companies provide the payments you need to make things right. Reach out today to set up your free case consultation.
Smith Hulsey Law