Gainesville Motorcycle Traffic Laws

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Driving a motorcycle is a tremendous responsibility because the risk of injury is greater for bikers and their passengers. Motorcycles lack the safety features that commercial vehicles or cars possess. Additionally, other drivers fail to look out for motorcycles, which increases the probability of wrecks. When you have been injured in an accident involving a motorcycle, it is crucial to contact a well-practiced motorcycle accident attorney from Smith Hulsey Law to hold the negligent party accountable.

Georgia has legal requirements for motorcycle operators to counteract some of the dangers associated with riding a motorcycle, and breaking these laws can lead to criminal penalties. Therefore, speaking with a lawyer is imperative to ensure you understand Gainesville motorcycle traffic laws.

Defining Crucial Motorcycle Traffic Laws

Generally, motorcycle riders must follow the same traffic laws as passenger vehicle drivers, as Georgia Code § 40-6-310 extends the rights and responsibilities of all drivers to bikers. Unless another law expressly preempts them, the other traffic rules apply equally to motorcyclists.

Rules for Motorcycle Operation

There are specific rules that apply specifically to motorcycles. Bikers must sit astride the seat, face forward, and place a leg on either side of the bike. They can only carry passengers or packages if the bike is built for it and if doing so does not interfere with the operation of their bike. Bikers must ride with headlights and tail lights on and cannot attach their motorcycles to other vehicles. Passengers must have footrests unless riding in a sidecar or enclosed cab. A bike’s handlebars cannot be above a certain height.

Rules for Driving a Motorcycle

Motorcycle riders cannot split lanes, which means sharing the lane with a passenger vehicle or riding between vehicles. However, bikers can share a lane with another biker if the lane is large enough to allow it, and only two bikers can ride abreast. The lane-splitting rule applies to passenger vehicle operators, and drivers cannot deprive a biker of the full use of a lane. Understanding these applicable rules can help bikers comply with motorcycle traffic laws in Gainesville.

State Laws for Motorcyclists

State law requires all bikers and their passengers to use helmets approved by the Department of Transportation (DOT). Bikers must also wear eye protection unless the bike has a windshield large enough to offer eye protection. The helmet law is mandatory, and there is no age-related exception under motorcycle traffic laws in Gainesville. In addition, unlike in other states, taking a motorcycle safety class does not prevent people from having to wear a helmet. Helmets must comply with DOT qualifications.

Failure to wear a helmet does not mean a rider cannot collect compensation after a motorcycle wreck. However, it dramatically increases a rider’s risk of severe injuries or death. Because the state uses modified comparative negligence, not using a helmet could reduce a person’s potential financial recovery in a motorcycle accident.

Liability Insurance for Motorcycles

Georgia requires all motorcycle operators to carry insurance coverage. The state minimums include $25,000 in bodily injury per person per accident up to $50,000 and $25,000 in property damage liability. However, these minimum limits are often too low to cover injuries in an accident. While other types of insurance are optional, they can be a good idea for motorcycle operators. If a motorcyclist has a question about filing a liability claim for an accident, our local attorneys at Smith Hulsey Law could help them understand their compensation options.

Our Gainesville Attorneys Could Help You Learn More About Motorcycle Traffic Laws

You may still be entitled to recovery even when you share blame in an accident. Under Georgia law, unless you have the majority of responsibility for your injuries, you can recover a proportionate amount of damages from other wrongdoers. Our experienced attorneys at Smith Husley Law could examine the circumstances surrounding your accident to help you understand your options for pursuing compensation.

Schedule a consultation with one of our knowledgeable attorneys to learn more about how your claim might apply to Gainesville motorcycle traffic laws.

Smith Hulsey Law

Smith Hulsey Law