Temporary hazards commonly cause accidents that might occur on another’s property, such as slips and falls. However, it is also possible to suffer injuries from more prominent dangers, many of which are invisible to the naked eye.
One example of this is exposure to toxic chemicals. Many commercial properties use these chemicals for cleaning, while industrial settings might use these substances form a major portion of their manufacturing processes. If you have suffered an injury or medical condition because you were near these substances, you may have the ability to collect compensation for your losses.
A Clarkesville chemical exposure lawyer is prepared to listen to your story and pursue your case for all appropriate compensation. Call a trusted premises liability attorney at Smith Hulsey now to learn about your legal options.
All property owners who invite guests onto their land must protect those guests from potential harm. This responsibility could include ensuring that smaller hazards such as standing water and loose carpeting do not result in physical harm. However, state law goes beyond this simple concept. In some situations, a landowner must take reasonable precautions to protect visitors from all accidental injuries. This includes toxic chemicals that pose a risk to anyone near them.
Even so, not every person who suffers from these substances can collect compensation. They must prove that the property owner had a duty to provide them protection under the law. This usually means proving that they were on the land for the benefit of the owner. Guests who enter a property for this purpose are invitees, and the landowner must take all reasonable steps to prevent harm.
All other visitors must prove that the exposure was the product of wanton or intentional conduct on the part of the property owner. A Clarkesville attorney could provide more information about the concept of premises liability and being unprotected near dangerous substances.
Exposure to toxic chemicals can happen at almost any time. In addition, the symptoms are often not apparent for days, weeks, or months after the event. Even being near a substance for a short time could result in burns, lung damage, or even blindness. Long-term damage may also result in the onset of cancer or organ failure.
People who suffer these injuries or diseases could hold the property owner responsible for providing fair compensation. This can include payments for the costs of all necessary medical care and reimbursement for lost wages. In addition, incidents could impact a plaintiff’s overall quality of life. Someone could also file a claim if their accident results in significant pain, suffering, or mental health concerns.
A chemical exposure attorney in Clarkesville could help to place a dollar value on a person’s experiences and demand that insurance companies and the defendant provide fair payments.
Chemical exposure is often a hidden hazard that results from being on or near the property of others. If the accident occurred when you were a visitor on the property, those owners might also be responsible for your losses.
A Clarkesville chemical exposure lawyer wants to take the lead in pursuing your case for its true value. They can work to track the source of the danger, understand how it has affected your life, and demand that all liable parties be held responsible. Reach out to Smith Hulsey now to schedule an appointment.
Smith Hulsey Law