Dawsonville Truck Accident Lawyer

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Collisions between commuter cars and commercial trucks almost always have devastating repercussions for the occupants of the smaller vehicle. Unfortunately, holding the parties who cause such accidents accountable for their actions can be a complex endeavor, especially without assistance from seasoned legal counsel.

A knowledgeable Dawsonville truck accident lawyer could be an essential ally to have on your side throughout every stage of a civil claim following a serious wreck. In addition to helping collect evidence of fault for your accident, the dedicated attorneys at Smith Hulsey could also assess your damages and help you effectively demand the compensation you deserve.

How Negligence Could Lead to Civil Liability for Truck Wrecks

Whether it involves two commuter cars, a commercial truck, or any other type of motor vehicle, civil litigation following a roadway accident generally centers around an allegation of negligence. A person who causes physical injury as a direct consequence of violating a duty of care is legally negligent and therefore financially accountable for the consequences of their misconduct.

Various parties could be negligent in a way that contributes to a truck accident. This could include the truck driver directly involved in the incident as well as the trucking company that employed them, another driver involved in the wreck, or even a third party like a mechanic or supplier. Guidance from a Dawsonville truck accident attorney can be helpful in identifying the appropriate parties to name as defendants based on a plaintiff’s unique situation.

Potential Obstacles to Effective Recovery

Through successful litigation and help from a skilled attorney, it may be possible to recover for both economic and non-economic repercussions of a serious truck accident, including:

  • Medical expenses for past and future care
  • Loss of work income and/or capacity to work
  • Personal property losses and damage
  • Physical pain from accident-related injuries
  • Emotional anguish and psychological trauma
  • Lost enjoyment of life due to permanent disability or disfigurement

Importantly, civil courts have authority under Official Code of Georgia §51-12-33 to restrict the amount of compensation a successful plaintiff may recover based on the plaintiff’s percentage of fault in causing their own injuries. In the same vein, plaintiffs who are 50 percent or more to blame for their accidents are ineligible to recover anything.

Finally, O.C.G.A. §9-3-33 allows most plaintiffs just two years after discovering their injuries to file suit over them, although there are exceptions in  rare situations. A truck wreck lawyer in Dawsonville could explain these restrictions in more detail and work on a plaintiff’s behalf to file an effective claim on time.

Speak with a Dawsonville Truck Accident Attorney about Legal Options

The aftermath of any commercial truck crash can be chaotic and confusing, so it is natural to have questions about your legal rights and the best options for civil recovery. While there are resources that can give you a broad idea of what to expect, there is no substitute for the support of an experienced legal professional who has litigated cases like yours before.

Working with a Dawsonville truck accident lawyer at Smith Hulsey may be key to securing the best chances of recovery for you and your family. Call and schedule your initial consultation today.

Smith Hulsey Law

Smith Hulsey Law