Front-End Car Accidents in Dawsonville

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Head-on collisions are among the deadliest car accidents. They involve the front ends of two vehicles colliding at high speeds and are often caused by one of the drivers going the wrong way. When cars are driving in the correct direction, a front-end collision should never occur.

The resulting injuries can be massive and life-threatening, and pursuing recovery from them on your own can be emotionally and financially taxing. Fortunately, you do not have to handle it alone. The well-versed auto accident attorneys at Smith Hulsey Law could help people pursue compensation after sustaining an injury from a front-end car accident in Dawsonville.

Defining Fault in a Front-End Accident

While the driver going the wrong direction has at least some of the responsibility for the accident, they may not be 100 percent at fault. In many cases, both drivers will have some ability to avoid the wreck. Doing so may require the driver heading in the right direction to leave their lane to avoid the collision, which might not always be safe. When leaving the lane means hitting another vehicle, a building, a guardrail, a biker, or a pedestrian, a head-on collision may be unavoidable, even if a Dawsonville driver sees that it is about to happen.

Determining which car was going the wrong way can be challenging after an accident, as the impact will usually move the vehicles off their original path and may even spin them around. It can be easier to establish fault on divided highways or one-way streets. On a two-way highway or street, it can be more challenging to determine which vehicle was going the right way at the time of the accident. However, the experienced attorneys from our firm are skilled in handling front-end car accidents. The team will look for other sources of evidence, such as witnesses, videos, photos, and even accident reconstruction specialists, to determine liability.

Causes of Head-On Collisions

One of the leading causes of head-on collisions is when a vehicle leaves its lane and drifts into opposing traffic. It only takes a few moments of distraction, but this action can still result in a head-on collision. Additionally, poor judgment can lead to the same type of accidents. For example, a car may attempt to pass vehicles in their lane, heading into the opposing lane to pass. When drivers fail to check for oncoming traffic properly, they can collide with other vehicles.

Other times, a driver enters traffic and heads in the wrong direction. Generally, in these cases, the driver may be experiencing other difficulties, such as poor visibility, bad weather, construction, driving in unfamiliar areas, and poor signage, all of which could lead to people driving in the wrong direction. However, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, drowsy driving, and distracted driving all leave drivers more vulnerable to mistakes. Our Dawsonville lawyers could help advocate for the maximum available compensation for an injured motorist when someone’s negligence contributes to a head-on wreck.

Talk to a Dawsonville Attorney About Your Rear-End Collision Claim Today

Front-end car accidents in Dawsonville can lead to traumatic physical, emotional, and financial injuries. Damages may not be able to fix the injuries, but they can help people cope with the aftermath of these accidents. When you or a loved one has been injured in a head-on collision, you owe it to yourself to explore your potential remedies.

Schedule a consultation with a knowledgeable lawyer at Smith Hulsey Law. Our team could examine the facts of the wreck and determine who is at fault. Call today to schedule a consultation.

Smith Hulsey Law

Smith Hulsey Law