Gainesville Workers’ Compensation Disability

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State law requires most types of employers to carry workers’ compensation insurance. This protects employees when they are injured on the job. When an injury results in a permanent disability, other aspects of state law come into effect to provide compensation to the worker. If you suffered a debilitating accident while on the job, you could be entitled to permanent partial disability benefits.

The legal team at Smith Hulsey can help you understand Gainesville workers’ compensation disability benefits and work to pursue the resources you need. Speak with a dedicated attorney at our firm today to learn more.

Eligibility for Permanent Partial Disability Benefits

Permanent partial disability (PPD) benefits are designed to compensate workers who suffered a permanent impairment as a result of their injury. This can include a lost finger or toe, loss of limb, paralysis, or other types of permanent conditions.

Calculating the amount of PPD benefits available to a particular worker requires complex formulas. After a worker receives medical treatment and reaches their point of maximum medical improvement, the doctor assigned to the case will give them an impairment rating. This rating helps to determine the amount of financial compensation available to the injured worker on an ongoing basis.

What does PPD Compensate?

Some benefits are meant to compensate for lost time at work or reimburse medical bills related to an injury. However, PPD benefits are designed to compensate the worker for the loss of their body part and its use, or their overall decreased bodily function. These payments can occur regardless of whether the injury resulted in time lost at work or missed wages.

Calculating PPD Payments for Injured Workers in Gainesville

To calculate the exact amount available to a disabled worker, they must receive an impairment rating from a qualified physician. At that time, the worker and their local attorney can determine what their disability rating is worth and the amount of compensation that may be available in their particular case.

How long PPD payments will continue for depends on the type of body part injured in the accident:

  • Small toe: 20 weeks
  • Big toe: 30 weeks
  • Little finger: 25 weeks
  • Ring finger: 30 weeks
  • Middle fingers: 35 weeks
  • Thumb: 60 weeks
  • Traumatic loss of hearing in one ear: 75 weeks
  • Loss of foot: 135 weeks
  • Traumatic loss of hearing in both ears: 150 weeks
  • Loss of vision in one eye: 150 weeks
  • Loss of hand: 160 weeks
  • Loss of arm or leg: 225 weeks
  • Disability to body as a whole: 300 weeks

When multiple injuries to different parts of the body are present, separate calculations may be necessary. An experienced workers’ compensation attorney in the area could help a plaintiff calculate their PPD payments and seek compensation for their specific situation.

Consult a Gainesville Workers’ Compensation Disability Attorney

If you suffered a disabling injury at work, you deserve compensation. However, obtaining PPD benefits can be a difficult task, as many insurance companies may try to avoid paying you what you deserve.

After a serious workplace accident, you deserve to have your case properly considered by a knowledgeable and dedicated attorney. A Gainesville workers’ compensation disability lawyer at Smith Hulsey could advocate tirelessly on your behalf throughout the application process. Contact us today.

Smith Hulsey Law

Smith Hulsey Law